Why hire a Divorce Coach?

Avoid costly mistakes

Reduce conflicts

Less pain and destruction

Coaching is a results and objectives-based methodology focused on addressing concerns such as:

  • Preparing logistically and emotionally for the separation
  • Understanding and thinking through the many decisions that you need to make before, during and after separation
  • Building negotiation skills,  preparing and bringing clear proposals to mediation sessions, legal meetings and court hearings
  • De-escalating conflict and communicating effectively with the other party
  • Building or strengthening skills to cope with strong emotions, especially at meetings with lawyers and your ex
  • Starting to build towards life post-divorce, as a single parent and perhaps going back to work
  • Building a sustainable co-parenting relationship with your ex.

Key benefits

making better divorce decisions

Better decision-making

By having clear objectives and defining your ideal outcomes, you will  be making decisions based on information and facts rather than emotions and fears.

cheaper and less confictual divorce

Reduced conflict and costs

By developing the skills to negotiate an agreement with your soon-to-be-ex out of court, you will avoid escalation of conflict and expensive legal procedures. 

coming out of divorce strong

Come out stronger

By keeping conflict to a minimum, you are limiting the long-term impact of your divorce on your children, but also on your mental health and your co-parenting relationship with your ex.

Understanding Divorce Coaching and How It Can Help

Divorce coaching is a goal-oriented process designed to help individuals navigate the complexities of divorce. Unlike therapists who focus on emotional healing or lawyers who handle legal issues, divorce coaches guide clients through decision-making, goal setting, and planning for post-divorce life. They offer ongoing support, providing perspectives that aid in making informed, long-term decisions while helping clients manage emotional, legal, and financial challenges. Certified Divorce Coaches® are key to ensuring a less stressful divorce process, with holistic support that helps avoid common pitfalls and unnecessary legal costs.

What is Divorce Coaching?

The American Bar Association defines divorce coaching as a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people through divorce. Although it is a relatively new profession, divorce coaching plays a crucial role in helping individuals navigate one of life’s most stressful events.

The Role of a Divorce Coach

Divorce coaching bridges the gap between a therapist and a family lawyer. While therapists address past traumas and lawyers handle legalities, divorce coaches focus on future goals. They help clients define their divorce objectives, guiding them through decision-making and planning for post-divorce life.

A Certified Divorce Coach® brings expertise in the divorce process and helps clients avoid common emotional pitfalls. By offering different perspectives and ensuring clients have all the relevant information, divorce coaches help make sound, long-term decisions.

Divorce Coaching vs. Family Mediation

While both divorce coaching and family mediation aim to reduce the emotional and financial costs of divorce, they serve different purposes. Family mediators facilitate agreements between couples, while divorce coaches work with individuals to prepare them for negotiations and overall divorce management.

Divorce coaches offer ongoing support, regardless of the chosen divorce route, helping with legal arrangements and personal challenges like co-parenting and confidence-building.

Choosing the Right Divorce Coach

Divorce coaching is an unregulated profession, so it is essential to choose a fully Certified Divorce Coach® who adheres to professional ethics. Free initial meetings can help ensure a good fit. Investing in a divorce coach can save money in the long run by avoiding unnecessary legal fees and court hearings.

Case Study: Gemma’s Decision

Consider Gemma, who is deciding whether to stay in the family house post-divorce. She would consult her lawyer about legal rights, her therapist for emotional support, and a financial advisor for affordability. Her divorce coach would help her consider the long-term implications, explore alternatives, and ensure an informed decision.


Divorce coaches provide holistic support, combining legal, emotional, financial, and social aspects of divorce. By working with a Certified Divorce Coach®, individuals can navigate divorce more confidently and avoid making decisions based on short-term emotions.
