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Untangling Finances: Navigating Separation After Cohabitation. With Oscar Smith, Family Solicitor (39 minutes)
Navigating Child Arrangements for Unmarried Couples
With Alexandra Tribe, Family Solicitor (29 minutes)
Divorce in families with children with special needs.
With Mary-Ann Hughes, Special Needs Divorce Coach (26 minutes)
The impact of domestic abuse on parental contact decisions
With Yuliya Osudina, Family Solicitor (37 minutes)
Where to get emotional support during divorce
Amicable Divorce Network podcast (20 minutes)
Why women initiate two thirds of divorces
With therapist Anne Heaton-Armstrong (26 minutes)
Leveraging sophrology to manage stress and anxiety during divorce
With Corinne Guion, sophrologist (35 minutes)
Rebuilding your sense of identity after divorce
With Alia Jamal, self-love coach (30 minutes)
What to expect from a litigated divorce
With Jacqueline Marks, Deputy District Judge (24 minutes)
Substance abuse and divorce
With lawyer Melissa Lesson and coach Nathan Marsh (37 minutes)
Leveraging arbitration to resolve your divorce disputes
With Rebecca Hawkins, family arbitrator (18 minutes)
Pension alimentaire: qui? combien? pourquoi?
Avec Cécile Pons, avocate française (37 minutes)
Holiday planning for separated parents
Podcast with Stowe Family Law (30 minutes)
A guided tour to dating after divorce
With Dating Coach Janelle Dawsey (31 minutes)
Understanding legal abuse
With Lisa Johnson, High conflict divorce strategist (32 minutes)
Portrait d'un avocat de la paix
Avec Myriam Delonca, avocate (37 minutes)
Comprendre et gérer le sentiment de culpabilité pendant un divorce
Avec Stéphanie Mattioni, psychotherapeute (33 minutes)
A Family Judge’s insights on dividing matrimonial assets
With Jacqueline Marks, Deputy District Judge (17 minutes)
Exploring the new Rules on Non-Court Dispute Resolution
With Liza Gatrell and Matthew Taylor, Family Solicitors (27 minutes)
Who gets the money? Understanding pension sharing during divorce (E&W)
With Lauren Roche, Family Solicitor (21 minutes)
Choosing the right jurisdiction for your divorce
With Lucy Greenwood, Family Solicitor and the International Family Law Group (32 minutes)
The voice of children in England divorce proceedings.
With Olivia Piercy, Family Solicitor at Hunters Law (27 minutes)
Family mediation: how it works, what to expect and how to prepare
With Katy Harris, Family Mediator (28 minutes)
Contract de mariage français vs prenup anglais
Avec Victoria Plisson, avocate au barreau de Paris (23 minutes)
The dos and don'ts of international relocation after divorce
With Alex Brereton, Family Solicitor at Hunters Law LLP (41 minutes)
Addressing International Divorce Challenges
Conversation with Rosalind Sedacca from Child Centered Divorce (25 minutes)
Comment l'expatriation impacte les relations de couple
Avec Cécile Chaban, Conseillère Conjugale (42 minutes)
The complexities of International and expat divorce
The Amicable Divorce Network Podcast (27 minutes)
Tips for financing your divorce
With Avni Vaghela from Rhea Family Finance (18 minutes)
Making travel arrangements as divorced co-parents
Conversation with Burgess Mee solicitors, The Happy Co-Parent Podcast (21 minutes)
Making divorce amicable
Conversation with Karen Stultz at the Awesome Life Podcast (41 minutes)
Is there such a thing as Divorce Contagion?
With guest Jackie Philossoph, founder of Divorced Girl Smiling (16 minutes)
Recovering from trauma after divorce
With guest Charlotte Phipps, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist (22 minutes)
How collaborative law can help you divorce better
With guest Suzanne Kingston, Collaborative Lawyer, Family Solicitor, Mediator and Arbitor
Is mediation an option in cases of domestic abuse?
With guests Anne de Montarlot, psychotherapist, and Ian Lovatt, Family Mediator at Mediate UK (28 minutes)
Divorced families: Life after international relocation
Conversation with Burgess Mee solicitors, The Happy Co-Parent Podcast (24 minutes)
Things to consider when getting divorced in an economic downturn
With guest Antonia Felix, Family Solicitor at Mishcon de Reya (29 minutes)
The importance of couples' communication during and after the marriage
Conversation with Couples Counsellor Taheera Young, Happily Ever After Podcast (38 minutes)
The impact of new romantic relationships after divorce
With guests Ambar Bharwani, Solicitor, and Helen Biscoe-Taylor, Psychotherapist (25 minutes)
Selecting the right family lawyer for your divorce or separation
With guest Claire Wood, International Family Solicitor (22 minutes)
How Child-inclusive mediation can help you and your children
With guest Devorah Greenberg, Family Mediator (23 minutes)
Effective co-parenting across borders,
By Chloe O. The Divorce and Separation Coach (8 minutes)
Tips and tricks for managing money during and after divorce
With guest Laura Tynan, Women Financial Educator (17 minutes)
Coaching clients globally via Zoom, Google Meet or in person in West London
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